Getting Here
Getting Here
Buckden is situated at the head of Wharfedale, 18miles north of Skipton, and some 16 miles south west of Leyburn.
Buckden is situated at the head of Wharfedale, 18miles north of Skipton, and some 16 miles south west of Leyburn.
Public Transport
Public Transport
There are regualr bus services to Buckden to and from the south seven days a week all year round.
There are regualr bus services to Buckden to and from the south seven days a week all year round.
The 72B Upper Wharfedale Venturer - the upper dale's own communityoperated scheduled bus service - is based in Buckden and runs between Buckden, Grassington and Hebden six days per week. The service connects with the Skipton bus at Grassington
The 72B Upper Wharfedale Venturer - the upper dale's own communityoperated scheduled bus service - is based in Buckden and runs between Buckden, Grassington and Hebden six days per week. The service connects with the Skipton bus at Grassington
Monday to Saturday: The 72A and & 72B services between Buckden & Grassington are provided by North Yorkshire Council and Upper Wharfedale Bus CIC respectively.
Monday to Saturday: The 72A and & 72B services between Buckden & Grassington are provided by North Yorkshire Council and Upper Wharfedale Bus CIC respectively.
Bus Timetables:
Bus Timetables:
Monday - Saturday: Timetable for all 72 services between Buckden/Grassington/Skipton Please note that bus times differ between school days and Saturdays and school holidays.
Monday - Saturday: Timetable for all 72 services between Buckden/Grassington/Skipton Please note that bus times differ between school days and Saturdays and school holidays.
By road:
By road:
Buckden lies on the B6160. There is a Yorkshire Dales National Park Car at the northern end of the village. Two Podpoint charging points are available.
Buckden lies on the B6160. There is a Yorkshire Dales National Park Car at the northern end of the village. Two Podpoint charging points are available.