Local Information

This page contains contact details for local services and organisations 

In case of Emergency - Fire / Police / Ambulance / Fell Rescue: Ring - 999

Accident & Emergency: Airedale Hospital, Skipton Rd, Steeton, Keighley. Tel: 01535 652511 www.airedale-trust.nhs.uk

Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue:  The Hut, Hebden Rd, Grassington. Email: enquiries@uwfra.org.uk www.uwfra.org.uk 

Doctors - Grassington Medical Centre :  9, Station rd, Grassington. Tel: (01756) 752313

Dentists - Grassington Dental Centre:  9, Station rd, Grassington. Tel: (01756) 753782

Chemists - Grassington:  Grassington Pharmacy, 9, Station rd, Grassington. Tel: (01756) 752338

Police (non-emergency):  Grassington Police Office, Wood Lane, Grassington. Tel: 101  www.northyorkshire.police.uk  

Yorkshire Dales National Park: 
Grassington - Colvend, Grassington, Nr Skipton N.Yorks BD23 5LB;
Bainbridge - Yoredale, Bainbridge, Leyburn, N.Yorks DL8 3EL
Opening Hours: Mon to Thurs - 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.; Fri - 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Tel: 0300 456 0030 -  Email: info@yorkshiredales.org.uk www.yorkshiredales.org.uk   

Craven District Council : Following the Local Government Reorganisation, Craven District Council has been disbanded. Contact North Yorkshire Council

North Yorkshire Council: County Hall, Racecourse Lane, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 8AD; Tel:  03001312131;  www.northyorks.gov.uk

County Councillor:  Cllr. Richard Foster, Cllr.Richard.Foster@northyorks.gov.uk 

Buckden Institute Bookings:  hall@buckden.org   www.institute.buckden.org

Bus Services:  

Upper Wharfedale Venturer, Pike Foot, Tel 01756 636161 www.upperwharfedale.com 

Post Office: Grassington - Main St. Grassington; Tel: (01756) 752226

Kettlewell Village Shop (cash back - opening hours only)

Grassington Post Office (counter service - opening hours only

NISA - Grassington (ATM)

Spar - Threshfield (ATM)

Mobile Library:  The library visits Buckden one Wednesday a month. It stops in the YDNPA car park from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. See "Whats on" page for dates  For more details visit www.northyorks.gov.uk  or Tel: 01609 533800

Places of Worship:

Methodist - Grassington; - Tel: (01756) 753061

Roman Catholic - St Margaret Clitherow, Threshfield; Mass 9.00 a.m. Sunday; Tel: (01756) 699000

Congregational - Grassington - Tel (01756) 753848

Mosque - Jami Masjid, 25 Midland St, Skipton; Tel: (01756) 790374