Buckden Community - Archive Website
Buckden Community - Archive Website
When re-platforming the Buckden community website it was decided that it was not feasible to migrate 18 years of data from the old site to the new one. Notwithstanding, we recognisd that the old site contained a record of 18 years of news, events and other aspects of parish life.
When re-platforming the Buckden community website it was decided that it was not feasible to migrate 18 years of data from the old site to the new one. Notwithstanding, we recognisd that the old site contained a record of 18 years of news, events and other aspects of parish life.
Accordingly, it was decided to freeze the website as it was on 28th September 2024 and make it available for archive purposes from the new site. Please be aware that the legacy site is no longer bening maintained and therefore may not always function correctly or contain up to date information.
In addition, during the transition from the old site to the new, some pages on the new site will link back to the old site until such time as their content has been migrated.